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As a rank first-timer, I appreciate the knowledge gained here on BYC re: the MHP and its benefits for the new chicks. I combined the MHP (heating pad set on Medium) with a suspended heat lamp, dialed down on a dimmer (old-school Variac transformer) to set 100*F under the lamp.
When I took the chicks out of their shipping box today, I gave them their introductory beak water-dip and put them under the heat lamp. Every one of them stayed there for a few minutes, then headed out to check out the feeder, waterer, and MHP.
Since then, the chicks have spent most of their time out from under the heat lamp, so I dialed it down a bit more, until they got into a pattern of regularly moving from the lamp, sleeping under the MHP, and hitting the feeder/waterer.
So it looks like they are comfortable, heat-wise. I plan to leave the heat lamp on continuously for only the next day or so, then begin slowly getting into a on/off day/night schedule, if their activity indicates they don't need the extra heat as they fluff up/feather out.

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