can I feed my chickens this stuff?


12 Years
Jun 4, 2007
Central Arkansas
My grandbaby has turned 1 year old a few months ago and I have some stuff left over and was wondering if I could use any of it to feed my chickens.

Dry baby rice cereal with banannas and iron
assorted baby food: banannas, banannas with granola, apple vanilla with granola, jar of corn, chicken and squash and others like that?

If so do mix the formula, or the cereal

Thanks in advance,

Serve it like you would any other treat and see if they like it. If not donate it to a church or organization for a young mother in need.
I would feed them the jars of baby food. They'll LOVE it! But, I would be careful with the infant cereal only because it has added Iron, and I dont know how much can be dagerous to a chicken.
If it were plain cereal, you could feed it the same as you would oats/oatmeal.

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