Can I/How do I trim head feathers on a Shetland Hen?


Sep 12, 2022
SF Bay Area, California
I have a Shetland Hen with head feathers that really impair her ability to see. She is often not with the flock and I think it's because she just has a difficult time seeing, so she doesn't wander around much. Can I trim the feathers near her eyes to provide her with better vision? Are there any dangers in trimming these feathers? Any other advice or information? Thank you!


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I trim my hen around the eyes every few weeks, I use scissors that are dull in the end, I think it’s called bandage scissors or something like that so that if she moves she can’t get hurt. When I do cut her hair I have someone else to help me hold her while I do the cutting so that she can’t move while I do it. I also do it at night after she has gone to bed so that she is more calm😊
Also don’t cut to close to the root, it can bleed I think😊
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Can I trim the feathers near her eyes to provide her with better vision?

Are there any dangers in trimming these feathers? Any other advice or information?
The only dangers I can think of are pretty obvious ones:
Do not poke her in the eye with the scissors.
Do not cut her comb while trimming the feathers.
a little late but you can always tie her top not if you dont want to trim. once you trim the feathers dont grow back until they molt. some people pluck the feathers so they grow back but thats kind of mean in my opinioin especially if you dont show

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