Can I use horse fencing in the chicken run?


11 Years
Oct 12, 2011
I managed to get an unused roll of this type of fencing (link goes to Lowes) for free.

Can I use this in the run? I don't know anything about fencing except that chicken wire is not good to keep predators out and that galvanized hardware is your best choice.

What about this stuff, how can I use it to my advantage?
Yes that is good fencing. The one thing to watch out for is that raccoons can reach through it and do a tag team approach, chasing chickens from side to side until one grabs the chicken and pulls it through the fence piece by piece. I once lost a chick to an owl through a chain link dog kennel who reached through.

So, to avoid that, you can line the bottom of the fencing with hardware cloth. Or you can do like me and have a large non-predator proof run (just put the fencing up) and make sure they are closed up at night in the coop.

The only thing that is really predator-proof is 1/2 inch hardware cloth, anyway. (Rats and weasels can get through larger than that.) Also don't forget to apron out or bury down some fencing if you want to prevent diggers. (And put a top on the pen too- only if you are trying to achieve Fort Knox here.)

Actually I do put bird netting up for my juveniles but it comes down with snow.

Congrats on the freebie!
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I think that would work great! I'm using 2"x4" GAW wire fencing with 1" chicken wire on the inside so they can't stick their heads through the fencing.
I think the difference between what you're using and what I'm using is that your fencing is twisted at the joints and mine is welded. So yours is a stronger fence. (plus being twice as expensive as what I'm using lol) . Congrats on getting it free! That's awesome!

The only other thing I can think of is smaller animals (like rats, mice, snakes, etc) could get through the 2"x4" mesh. Don't know if that's a concern for you or not.
Hope I helped! Good luck!

Since I only have one roll, I think I'm going to go ahead and put up the basic chicken wire, then reinforce it with this stuff and the galvanized wire. I've heard about critters that will reach through the wire and pull off the chickens' body parts. horrible :(

but also like you said, my chickens will be locked up at night as well. and I already have plans to put a top on the run also (hawks and anything that can climb)
How much room do you have? You can build yourself 125 sq. ft. of movable run out of the wire you have. Reliable predator proof and easy to make.

Each unit can be put together in less than 45 minutes and they weigh about 45 lb. These can be put together with just zip ties. We have lots of raccoons here, a few skunks, a fox den, lot of hawks, dogs, cats. Raccoons are around the coop every night, but are never seen during the day. Even if a couple came after the chickens during the day, the chickens head for the center of the run.

I use them , with chickens in them, to prep garden beds. This year's potato bed being prepared by the chickens.
The type of fence you have gives more that welded fencing and would have to have a pvc tubing to brace the middle of the run. Even if you make a permeate run, make your digging predators find it hard to dig where they normally would. Which is right next to the run fence where it meets the ground. The fencing you have will make an excellent attatched on the ground predator guard.

The chickens will work this spot for about a week, and then I will move them to a different job.
wow! That is a great idea :)

that's something I'll think about. I don't really have much knowledge on building things so I have no idea how to do what the pictures show.

But maybe I can find some help
I'll walk you through it if you like. It's easy. You'll need some wire cutters and some zip ties to start with. Cut two pieces 2' long off the roll. Cut one 7' piece off the roll. The two small pieces are the ends and the 7' piece makes the arch. Use the zip ties to secure the end and the middle of the long piece to the short pieces. Now you have an arch. Zip tie together along the edge pieces. If it is not clear just go look at the pictures and you'll see it easy.

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