Can someone PLEASE answer this question?


12 Years
May 13, 2007
Medicated chick feed. I read in my book “Chickens In Your Backyard” by Rick and Gail Luttmann that “you should definitely not feed medicated chick feed to your chicks after 12 weeks of age, because after about 8 weeks of age they are building up a natural immunity and may interfere with the development of this natural immunity.” Well, the chick feed that I have is Purina Medicated Start and Grow and the package says up to 18 weeks for small to medium breeds and fancy and exotic breeds. I have buff orps and australorps which are heavy birds. Do I switch them to flock raiser? I’ve read here that some continue to feed medicated up to 18 weeks. I’m very confused!!
Maybe you can gradually start mixing the starter with grower or layer feed over a period of a few weeks. That will make the 4 weeks or so a transitionary period.
It is because of questions and concerns such as yours that I chose the natural route and don't feed medicated feeds. But, to help you, I would gradually wean them onto the flock raiser over a period of a week or more. Good Luck.
Thanks for your response. I am going to mix the flock raiser with the medicated for a week or two.
Remember that the feed mfgrs. are usually producing feed for large operations. Chickens don't often get to be more that 18 weeks in many operations. Medicated feed is good for babies and I usually wean mine off at aroud 8 weeks old unless there are other smaller ones around then I only feed the one type.
That is what I have read is the best way to do it...slowly easing them onto the unmedicated feed helps to ensure less risk of cocci (which does on occasion happen even when you have used med feed)
Most people that feed medicated starter/grower do so until the birds start eating layer feed. It won't hurt them and it is still helping them build up an immunity to cocci.

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