Can you help identify this bug all over coop after days of rain?


Sep 16, 2020
Good morning everyone! We have days of on and off rain here and I noticed these bugs all over the coop. They are black, long bodied, and fast. They are active all day. They have no interest in me (only my chicks dig me lol) and I have been in the coop constantly cleaning and changing bedding.They don't look like mites to me and I am constantly checking the pullets and week old chicks for any signs of mites or lice. They all look fine/healthy, no mites or lice or signs of mite/lice infestation. I just noticed these bugs the past 3 days & I am thinking it is because of rain & humidity. I cannot treat the coop right now with DE or permeyhrin, as it has rained the past 3 days and is supposed to rain on & off the next few days as well.
What is this bug? What should I do until I can treat it?
Thanks in advance!

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