Can you tell an egg won't develop by day 4?


Jan 27, 2022
Preparing for this year's hatching season. This year I will be hatching eggs from my younger pullets and I fully expect most eggs to not develop considering they lay about one egg a day on average, so by the time I'll have enough to fill the incubator only about 7-14 out of 30 will have decent chances at hatching. On top of that, I'm still questioning weather or not their eggs are even being fertilized.

I remember usually tossing the clear eggs on day 4 to give newer eggs a chance. Others have said to throw away any clear eggs on day 7 to be sure, but I don't like the idea of having chicks with that big of an age gap. It also creates bigger complications when the chickes start hatching. Of course if any eggs look like they could go either way on day 4, I leave them in the incubator. I only throw out completely clear ones.

But since in this upcoming hatch every potential chick matters because there will be so few of them, I wonder if you can safely say on day 4 that an egg will not develop?
Has anyone had eggs look clear on day 4, but then start developing a few days later?

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