Chick with ballon like crop


Apr 13, 2020
We have a sick 3 week old chick. We noticed she was lethargic so my husband checked her crop and it was extremely blown up.
We've tried: chick grit (they are only getting occasional treats of scrambled egg and yoghurt) - apple cider vinegar, yoghurt and coconut oil.
I ordered the nutri drench based on other posts.
Is there a way to tell if this could be something she ate (like a wood chip)? Husband says it just feels squishy and airy.
She has large wood flake bedding.
She's clearly not happy. Any suggestions?
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It's a good thing you acted so quickly. A chickens crop is something that is vital to their survival, but if issues arise and quickly lead to there demise.

There are a few things it can be, but most likely an impacted crop. Which is an easy fix 👍 basically the little one ate too much too quickly, and the food is reconstituting itself as a solid in the crop, faster than she can digest it.

you will need to massage her crop and break the food up for her through out the day. We usually use something to help with the break up, like an olive oil or something else to make the process more comfortable for her.

Make sure that you put your hand or fingers at her throat and gently push DOWN. you do not want the mixture to come back up. She could choke and die. Sorry, that was morbid, but true.

One thing to also keep in mind in my experience, is I have had some hens who have done this as chicks, have reoccurring impacted crop. Make sure you keep an eye on this one until she at least moves out, or preferably free ranges near some gravel. Eventually they will eat things like gravel and rocks which will aid in breaking their food down 👍

Hope this helps!


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