Chicken Shower?


Chicken Slave
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Brick, NJ
I suppose chickens kind of know what to do, in certain situations. But was this OK? Yesterday we finally got a good rain storm. The first blast of thunder and they went inside the coop. Then the heavy rain started, and they went back out and stood in the pouring rain for about an hour. I kept watching them and they seemed fine. Doing a little preening and stuff. Then it was bedtime, around 7:30 ish and I had to scoot them in. This morning they are nice and clean looking. I gues they just needed a shower! Anybody elses chickens do this? I'm new at this, just want to be sure about this.
Everytime it rains our chickens go out. It is funny to see our roosters with their beautiful tails all soggy and dragging on the ground. There are more worms and stuff like that out, too,when it rains.

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