Chickens & Turnips update....


12 Years
Jul 2, 2007
W. Tennessee
Deb told me that it should be okay to give the raw turnips to the chickens... provided they were not laying yet. She said that the turnips might "flavor" the eggs if they wer laying.

Since they are not laying yet, I pitched one of the turnips out to them... just to see what would happen. Everyone walked up, curiously checked it out, talked about it, then turned their backs on it and completely ignored it. Suddenly, the #1 pullet came charging across the hen yard and pecked the turnip. Then, she jerked her head straight up in the air, stood ALL the feathers up on her neck, and shook her head violently. She gave the turnip a dirty look and took off for the hen house!! Seven more chickens (pullets and roos) tried the turnip with almost the exact same reaction. I figured they must not like it too much. Needless to say, I won't offend their pallet in the future by giving them any more raw turnips!!!
I guess the turnip thing didnt work....Tooo funny!! Sounds like my kids when they were little, and I gave them turnips! LOL
Aren't they funny when they don't like something? Mine shake their heads and wipe their beaks off - usually on me!
Yep... they're quite commical!! Like a small child, they are unable to speak their sentiments as to how their food sits on their pallet. But through their body language, even a novice can very quickly recognize their like or complete distaste for a particular food! It was as though the girls were saying, "Good God Almighty.... That's the nastiest tasting crap I've ever put in my mouth!!!!! Spit, spit, spit!!!"

Like I said, I won't ever offend their taste buds again by feeding them raw turnips!!!


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