Chicks chirping


Jun 30, 2023
So we have a brooder set up in our living room and we have been letting the chicks run around a little bit outside of their brooder (with supervision of course). We put them in around 9:30pm so they would settle for bed but they are all chirping like crazy! Is this just their way of protesting being put back in the brooder? The temp is good, they have food and water (I cleaned both in case this was for some reason an issue) but now they are only just settling (around 9:55pm). Has anyone else experienced this? They are around 2-3 weeks old.
Yeah, the temp is perfect according to their age and they do this each evening, so they just seem to get super excited before we send them to bed. My partner plays mother hen and ushers them under the brooder :D When they are under there they all go to sleep really fast and no more chirping!
Our girls did the same thing around that age, bed time was a nightmare because everyone wanted a different roosting spot and it sounded like a mass murder going on with the chirping and chaos. If there is no issues with temp, drafts, food or water or space, I'd chalk it up to the pecking order.

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