chicks pecking another


12 Years
Apr 16, 2007
Hi. I'm new to this forum and new to raising chickens! My problem is that I have 20 new chicks and they all recently started pecking at 1 of the chicks backside all the way down to the tailbone. Of course it is pretty bloody. They are very aggressive and wouldn't leave the chick alone. The chick actually was pecking at itself too! I removed the chick, but don't know what to do from here. I've read on this site about blue kote and pine tar, but will this keep happening? Why do they do this?
thanks for your help
I think if you give them something shiny to peck at they will stop pecking each other like a marble or something like that. they keep on pecking at that chicken because of the blood it is red and gets their attention. there a chance they are overcrowded? Sometimes when there is not enough room, they will peck at each other. Hang a few washers from a string....different areas of the brooder....they seem to like it. Mine did. Its fun to watch them play tug-o-war with it.

Try to wash the little ones bum...and get some blue kote....I would kep it seperate for a day or so, but it might need a friend or 2 in with it....for comfort. Dont forget the heat for these ones.
Good luck.

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