Chicky Whicky's OTHER critters


Premium Feather Member
May 19, 2022
Iowa, USA
Well, aside from the birds, we have 2 dogs & "barn" cats, as I call them. We actually just recently sold off our aquarium (72G with tons of fish), fish keeping is quite the hobby! It was super fun but became more inconvenient than rewarding for our lives as we moved on to new adventures. We plan to add a horse to the mix in just a few months- getting everything prepared now.
Our dogs are great! We have a 1 year old bloodhound (Jethro) & a 5 year old german shorthaired pointer (Kano). They are quite the duo & are both sweet as pumpkin pie! Jethro absolutely adores the chickens, matter of fact, he adores pretty much everything (aside from thunder storms). He has been inquisitive of them since they were just little fluffs in the brooder. When they moved outside & he was able to really see them and interact, he wanted to be with them ALL THE TIME. If he cannot be inside their run, he is laying next to the fence. They will often lay next to him & are forever pecking at his wrinkles (looking for bugs I assume?). Kano gets along with everybody, but is not fascinated with them like Jethro. Kano spends most of his time doing perimeter checks around the property, keeping the foxes and racoons at bay- thankful to have him as I never worry about predators.
We have a cat named Romeo & a cat named Juliette. Juliette currently has kittens (about 9 days old) so that is super fun. Love to watch them grow and crawl around- sooo cute! Juliette is basically the queen bee around the farm. She weighs a whopping 6 pounds but will knock anybody's socks off. She is a fierce hunter & will often bring home full grown rabbits and squirrels. On the other hand, Romeo is just trying to survive. He is more than double Juliette's size (he's a BIG boy) but spends most of his time getting slapped around by Juliette or chased away from the chicken pen by Jethro.
I try my best to keep all the animals happy & healthy, and am thankful to have them in my life. Adding the birds has been such a fun adventure and I can't imagine a life without all these funny, sweet, adorable little critters!
What a nice family you got there! I absolutely love kittens! All of my cats are spayed/neutered or else I would have 100+ cats, and that's just too much to manage.

So what has made you decide to take the horse ownership plunge?

Horses are my true passion and I always like to encourage (cough*enable*cough) people where I can!
My male cat is neutered and the *PLAN* was to spay Juliette when we aquired her but..... We didnt get it done in time and bam- kittens! 😅

Ive been riding horses since I was about 9. Started taking lessons at a local stable and actually ended up working there when I was 16. Ive been there ever since! The owner has become like a second mom to me & I have spent years upon years covered in horse hair and dirt- its my true passion in life. 🥰 I knew as soon as I could get my hands on an acreage that a horse was soon to follow. So exciting to finally have one in my very own backyard!
@ChickyWhicky I'm so happy for you! You are going to love having your horse at home, but remember, horses are herd animals, they really shouldn't be alone....;):D

You know, I understand completely about the accidental kittens. In fact, my avatar picture is from such an occurrence. He was my most favorite cat with a huge personality!

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