Chooks is back in business!


12 Years
Mar 24, 2011
Ocala, Florida.
Just got my order from Cackle today and after a few years break the chook house is full :D We have black silver Wyandotts, Salmon Faverolles and Speckled Sussex! I am thrilled with them all. Cackle put in extras so we have a total of 28..still a little in shock going from 0 to that number :eek: I blame dear daughter who did the ordering. ps...I have changed that paper towel 3 times already today LOL
Looks like they need a larger brooder and maybe you can start putting out pine shavings instead of paper towels.
Sigh! probably brooded more chicks than you can imagine...please guys ease up! there is pine shavings UNDER the paper towel..yes there is a heat lamp..and 2 feather dusters to hide under..fermented food...warmed electrolyte water ... bigger brooder in the works
KikiLeigh02 This was the first time ordering from any hatchery and we found the web site a bit clunky to get around in (too used to Amazon) LOL but the chicks arrived in good shape..all alive albeit a bit cold and protesting loudly. It took them most of yesterday to warm up and quiet down. This morning they are cheeping happy cheeps (which I love to hear)

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