Cluckingham Palace “Scrapbook”


Apr 12, 2024
I am just making this as a way to document my own flock, stories, and pictures for reference later and to see how far we’ve come (and for memories)! We are raising our second batch of chicks and having a lot of fun. I love seeing everyone’s posts and their flocks and hearing about all the silly things their birds do, too! Follow along if you want!

Today, the babies are having some supervised social time with the older gals as everyone is getting used to each other. They’ve already spent a week in “see but don’t touch” around the big girls, and the big girls are uninterested. They’re eager to stretch their legs and wings, it is fun to watch them peck around and figure out what things are good to eat and which are not! They are about 6 weeks old.

They are respectful after a few firm pecks from the hens after invading their space, and move out of their way now. So fun to watch them all get to know each other! We have an unexpected BO cockerel in the mix which we have decided to keep. He has a fun and gentle demeanor so far. I’m excited to watch him grow. His name is Captain Hawkeye, his twin is our BO pullet named Major Houlihan. 2 SS pullets named Pepper and Baby Blue as well are newcomers. Both are sweet but Pepper is exceptionally friendly and frequently perched on my shoulder or head when I’m out in the yard.

The four originals tenants are Penny (RIR), Tilly (Silver-Laced Wyandotte), Mosey (Barred rock) and Dottie (golden sex link). They are two years old.

Anyway, that’s todays update. I sure love my chickens and didn’t expect to care about them so much when we first got them. Now, I can’t imagine not having them!:ya

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