Coccidiosis help! Need math help


May 4, 2023
Currently treating my flock with corid 2tsp per gallon the whole flock. I have a mix of chicks and full sized hens.

I know the source is the baby chicks, can you tell me if I can directly administer the corid directly orally while they drink it from their water? I think that’s called drenching right? I just am confused about this part (direct oral and how much, need the treatment dose) I read on here .1ml per pound of body weight, I’m horrible with math and need help

Can you tell me how much to administer orally chicks are 5-6oz in weight using the solution 9.6% oral solution
I would just use 0.1 ml—that is 1/10th of an ml, or 1/5 of a tsp, or a couple of drops from a dropper. It doesn’t have to be exact, just near. Walmart and other pharmacies will usually give you a needle less 1 ml syringe for giving tiny doses to babies and animals. The coccidiosis actually comes from the older birds and soil. The older birds usually have developed resistance or tolerance to coccidia organisms normally in soil. They pass it in their poop, and when chicks ar exposed to a lot, they may become sick. Eventually they will also build up tolerance to it. I usually place a piece of sod with grass in my brooder early on, which gradually exposes chicks to coccidia. They usually gradually get exposed.
I can do this (orally) along with the treatment in the water correct? I really appreciate you getting back to me! I just cleaned the coop with ammonia but I’m not sure how I can clean the run…I might be sol on that one

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