Cockerel mounting a... log ?

Mar 26, 2020
Frederick, MD
At the moment I have three 3-month old cockerels- a blue one, a black one, and a white one. The blue figured out first that he was a rooster, and is currently attempting to convince the older hens that he will be the new flock leader. He has mated with a few of the hens already. The black cockerel seems to be next in line in the rooster heirarchy. The white rooster, until today, had not exhibited any roo behaviors. Then today I heard him cooing. He was pecking at this chunk of an old tree stump, so I thought he was announcing food and hoping to lure a hen over. But the next thing I know he jumps on top of the log and goes to town on it! I took a video afterward. I think he was trying to get set up, but never actually got to try a round 2. Is this normal? He's still very submissive towards all the hens and the other two cockerels, so perhaps he thought this was the only way he stood a chance at getting any action?
We had a bunch of GHF cockerels free ranging together without any ladies, they got very... creative.
First it was the pink fluffy chair we put out near the gate ahead of trash day.
Then it was some cardboard boxes we put out in the bonfire pit.
The boys lacking the position to enjoy the company of these beauties, had to make do with grabbing a leaf or stick in their beak and jiggle-scooting along the ground.
It became a dozen times a day sight in our yard. I eventually found the excess boys some nice pet homes where they hopefully managed to regain their sanity.

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