Comb size


Jul 20, 2023
Greenville, SC
Newbie question!
My 4 barred rock girls will be 16 weeks old on Monday. I read they reach maturity at 17-21 weeks. But their combs have grown very little! Should I expect a rapid growth spurt before egg laying time? Pictures I have seen of mature barred rock hens have significant combs and wattles. Here’s a couple of my girls:

Comb growth is dependent on many factors. Don't focus on it for figuring out when your girls will lay. As aart said, comb color is more important. Due to the time of year, it's possible that your girls could not lay at all this year, or take some more time to come into lay, and lay for a short while. In my experience, the comb continues to grow for quite some time after the birds start laying. In addition, no LF bird of mine has laid before 5/6 months of age

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