Day 21 and nothing yet!!!

I did candle the eggs twice. The first time was at about day 6 and I couldn't tell what I was looking at. Then again at about day 14, and I could tell a big difference from when I had candled them before. Something was definitely growing inside and there were nice-sized air sacs at the big ends. I did take 2 of the eggs out because they looked like nothing was happening- just a yolk floating around. When I broke them open I found out I was correct - looks like they were never fertilized. When I found that one broken egg under Twinkie yesterday, all that was growing inside was a stinky gooey mass of yellow yolk- obviously rotten. So now I'm questioning what I saw in all of the eggs.

I'm just hoping that there will be fuzzy babies under Twinkie when I get home. Even a couple would be fine!!!!!
I hear you, hard to wait. What breed are they? i found that my larger breed chicks took longer to hatch by a few days. hopefully you'll be hearing peep, peep real soon.
Well, our rooster is an Ameraucana and 2 of our hens are Ameraucanas, so several of the babies should be "pure", then we have 3 Buff Orps, 1 Australorp, and 1 Silver-Laced Wyandotte, so the rest will be mixed breed. All of our hens are very friendly, so I'm hoping that they pass this trait on.

Speaking of passing on traits. I think I read somewhere that the gene for blue eggs is dominant, so an Ameraucana cross will lay blue eggs. Anyone know if this is true?

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