Dealing with Worms (And how to clean their run)


May 14, 2021
So after my rooster's death I have been watching my hens closely for signs of illness or if they will die too. I noticed in their feces today WORMS. Idk if that is what killed my rooster, but regardless I need to deal with the worms. I believe it is roundworms.
I am definitely going to be worming them. Any advice for cleaning their run to kill the worms, any preventative stuff to spread out in their run occasionally, any routine deworming care? Should I worm every 6 months or try to use natural dewormers to prevent worms becoming resistant?
I need advice, thank you!
Photos of what you see?

For Roundworms Only, Fenbendazole (Safeguard) dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once, then repeated in 10 days.

To treat other worms including Roundworms, but not Tapeworms then give the Safeguard at the same dose for 5 days in a row, no repeat.

I'll try and grab a photo next time I find a dropping with worms. I went crazy and cleaned the entire coop and threw lime in the entire run area and mixed everything up. They were white and stringy, but not 3 inches long like round worms tend to be... they were short like half an inch to a centimeter each.

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