Did I See A Pic With Someone Using A Cobra Mister?????????Can't Find!!

OK, I have used something similar for my hoop coop. It is a spiral I attached to the wire. My main coops are plumbed for permanent misters just under the eaves of the coop.
Any chance of seeing the permanent misters? I bought a misting system, not sure though if I should use it or not, and if so- where to put it. How do the chickens react to the misting?
Yes, do chickens enjoy misting? Mine are panting today even though they have cool fresh water. It's 90 degrees today, and I can't imagine how they will make it through the hotter temps of summer. Anyone have ideas for keeping chickens cool?
Yes, misters help the birds to cool off. As the hotter days begin, there will be a lot of posts about keeping chickens cool.

I am up to my elbows in work right now, but will try and get some pictures of the mister system in the next day or two.

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