Died instantly, in front of me..

I’m so sorry!! You said you could feel her bones, do you think she was under weight? Have you wormed them recently?

I had a hen who was starving to death but I had no idea. She hid it so well. Kept up with the flock, until one day she just couldn’t. I brought her in and she was so boney! I had no idea because her feathers hid it so well. She was eating/drinking, so I couldn’t figure it out. I later discovered she had a roundworm overload and was starved to death because of it. She came in and died in one day, it was so quick. So I always throw it out there just in case!
The rule of thumb is that treats including scratch and scraps should make up no more than 10% of their diet.
The timing doesn't matter, just quantity.
Every day we give our adults scratch before bed, it helps them feel their crops are full and that encourages them to go roost before it's getting dark. And that makes my day easier :D
BUT, we are careful with the portion they get.

On your departed bird, it sounds similar to when a young bird of ours died of a broken neck after getting jostled off the roost in the morning right after opening the coop door. It was just that sudden.

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