Disorientation after predator attack, brain damage?


Sep 20, 2019
Yesterday one of my D'uccles was attacked by blue jays. By the time I got to her she had been on her back for a couple minutes and was barely conscious and gasping for air. Based on the amount of feathers I would say it was quite a fight, but the only external damage is a little wound on her neck. It doesn't seem she has any internal damages either, her posture is good and I feel no swelling. I've had her in my shower with a bed of towels since then, and she's doing okay-ish, but I'm very worried she has serious brain damage, either from physical trauma or oxygen deprivation... she hasn't had anything to eat or drink as far as I can tell, she knocked the food and water all over the place and there's only a few droppings. She also doesn't really seem to understand what's going on. She just blankly stares around squatting on the ground or walking straight into the wall, and she absolutely freaked out like nothing I've ever seen earlier when I tried to get her to eat and drink. Like flew into the wall and screamed absolute bloody murder when I picked her up. I tried putting her in the coop with some of the other hens to see if it was just being in the shower, but she acted the same and one of the larger hens started to peck her. She laid an egg at some point today weirdly enough. But I'm really worried this state of shock and confusion will kill her. I can't help to feed or water her because she thinks I'm trying to murder her.

Has anyone had this happen before? If I took her to the vet how soon would I need to do so before dehydration and starvation get to her? Thanks.
It sounds like shock to me. Keep her in the tub and make sure the light is dim and the room is warm. Put some electrolyte water in close to her. When she decides to drink that is what will help pull her out of her shock the most. It can take up to a couple days for her to completely get over it.
I've had chickens survive severe injuries. They are incredibly resilient sometimes. Give her some time. She will shake it off. The egg is a positive sign. If she doesn't eat at all consider giving her some food and water yourself.
Update, I let her out with the others this morning and she was acting completely normal. While in the shower she laid another egg and it looks like she drank some and ate a little crumble.

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