Do your chickens like baths?


Aug 13, 2017
Yesterday I filled a small tub with water to put my Orp in it to wash off her somewhat poopy butt feathers, which I have done a few times. Yesterday was at least 90 degrees so the cool water felt good to her as she stood there without an issue. I decided I might as well bathe her because why not? I got most of her body wet and did rub in and rinse off a little Dawn dish soap too. She's friendly and trusts me all the way but she's not much of a lap chicken or a cuddler, but afterwards I held her in a towel on my lap and she was dozing off and even purring (she's only done that once before, when she was a very young chick). I cherished the moment because I knew she wouldn't be asking for head scratches any time soon! I might have to give her baths more often! Do your birds like baths if they've ever been bathed?
My birds don't free range and our coop and run are covered so they haven't experienced rain before! Lol
I've seen videos of silkies being blown dry for show and they seemed to enjoy it.
I think it's just something they have to get used to as young'uns.
That's very sweet! I've only bathed chickens once, and they hated it. lol! Birds are all individuals with different preferences, just like us. If your girl likes bathing, then it's a good way to give her a treat of sorts, and to bond!
Mine do not like baths - no matter how many threads I have read saying chickens love them.
However, my chickens do not mind the rain. It has been raining and is dry under their coop, but they prefer to be out in the rain as long as it is not pouring.

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