Does this seem to be healing


Feb 27, 2024
Hello everyone. Im new to the site. Im dealing with my first case of bumble foot. I did the epsom salt soak for a weak, then cut out most of the infection i believe. I have been redressing the bandages everyday with neosporin. The first picture is post surgery, the second one is a day after and the third one is three or four days after. Does this seem to be healing?



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Yes, the wound is healing, but the black scab forming is an indication that bacteria may be trapped under it. What you want to see is a uniform pink tissue across the bumble "pit" with the raised tissue, like a rim of a volcano, surrounding the center.

When you see a black scab forming, rather than a smooth thin pink scab, you must remove it. Do this by putting a few drops of undiluted Dawn detergent on the black scab. Hold a wet rag soaked in hot water, no hotter than 108F, on the scab for five minutes. The action of surfactants in Dawn and the hot compress will soften the scab so you can easily pull it off.

Then finish your treatment with rinsing and dressing the wound with antibiotic ointment and bandage.
Yes, the wound is healing, but the black scab forming is an indication that bacteria may be trapped under it. What you want to see is a uniform pink tissue across the bumble "pit" with the raised tissue, like a rim of a volcano, surrounding the center.

When you see a black scab forming, rather than a smooth thin pink scab, you must remove it. Do this by putting a few drops of undiluted Dawn detergent on the black scab. Hold a wet rag soaked in hot water, no hotter than 108F, on the scab for five minutes. The action of surfactants in Dawn and the hot compress will soften the scab so you can easily pull it off.

Then finish your treatment with rinsing and dressing the wound with antibiotic ointment and bandage.
Ok thanks a lot for the advice. Ill start that protocol tonight an see how it goes. Ill update in a few days
Many people recommend the application of sugardine—Betadine added to sugar to make a thick paste in a cup or jar. Apply it to the wound or a gauze pad and apply the dressing to the bumblefoot scar, and wrap with vet wrap for 2 days. Then take a look at it, apply a new sugardine dressing every 2 days. Did you squeeze it pretty hard to get all of the pus out? To me it looks like you probably got it all, and it will take some time for the swelling to go down. To find Betadine in generic for about $10 is to look at Walmart in the first aid aisle. It is called Equate First Aid Antiseptic.

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