Egg bound or broody?


In the Brooder
Jun 22, 2023
I am very new to chickens and got my red sex link pullets in May when they were 18 weeks old. They are now are now about 6 months old and have all been doing great until yesterday. Yesterday, only 2 laid and egg and I found one other egg under the roosting bar (which has never happened, always in the box). Bernadette who is the top of the pecking order was acting very out of character and not running over like usual. Today, I got 3 eggs from my 4 chickens and Bernadette has been in her nesting box since noon (almost 12 hours). She hasn’t gone to roost for the night. Is it possible she is egg bound as she is such a young layer or could she really be broody? I know red sex links are not known to be broody and I’m unsure if she is even old enough to be broody. Oh, I also don’t have a rooster. Please help as the whole situation has me completely stressed out. Thank you!!!
Feel in between her legs for a hard lump. That will be the egg. You can also try putting on a pair of gloves and gently feeling around inside her vent. Does she waddle when she walks? Is she panting?
No waddling this morning or yesterday and no panting but she hasn’t left her nesting box since noon. I left her alone for a while to see if she would lay and when I picked her up at 7, she was very hateful (which is not like her at all) and there was still no egg. I fed her earth worms while she was in the nesting box which she did eat but they are her favourite treat. I will palpate between her legs in the morning after my shift. Thank you!
Feel in between her legs for a hard lump. That will be the egg. You can also try putting on a pair of gloves and gently feeling around inside her vent. Does she waddle when she walks? Is she panting?
After palpating, there is no lump, just bone. I removed her from the nest, no waddling/panting or penguing walk but she keeps running to the nesting box so I think she is a just a rare broody red sex link. I will try to keep removed her from the nest and giving her treats. She is still quite cranky. Thank you!
After palpating, there is no lump, just bone. I removed her from the nest, no waddling/panting or penguing walk but she keeps running to the nesting box so I think she is a just a rare broody red sex link. I will try to keep removed her from the nest and giving her treats. She is still quite cranky. Thank you!
It sounds like she's broody to me also! Good luck on a succesful hatch!
It sounds like she's broody to me also! Good luck on a succesful hatch!
Thank you but I don’t have a rooster and live in town so I am already at my 4 chicken max. Fingers crossed I can break her broodiness. Thank you for your help.
Thank you but I don’t have a rooster and live in town so I am already at my 4 chicken max. Fingers crossed I can break her broodiness. Thank you for your help.
Ah, yes, you did say that! I don't have any experience in breaking broodiness, otherwise I'd you some tips! Well then, good luck on breaking her broodiness!

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