Extending a Run without Cattle Panels

Speaking of "lean-to,"

We have enough scrap wood to abandon the cattle panels all together. We have three 12" 2x4's we used as part of a concrete mold that till do quite nicely there, if I cut them down a bit. We also have a store of scrap plywood that can be used as a roof, which means I don't have to buy more hardware cloth.

Save money AND clear out space in the shed? Win-win!

I guess I need to change the title of this post though haha!

And the shade from a solid roof is good!
Rough set up:


I'm going to screw these on at the eaves, and maybe use concrete to bury the bottoms.
Working while sick is slow going! I got a negative covid PCR test this evening, so at least it's just regular sick!

Anyway, I only got the support beams screwed on, and the plywood panel roof.


I need to patch a couple holes in the plywood with hardware cloth or furring strips or something, and then cover the gaps up top and down at the bottom with hardware cloth. I left the tops of the high boards and bottoms of the low boards loose, so I can screw and secure them OVER the hardware cloth I still need to add. Big brain move; I don't always think that far ahead. That's why I use screws.

I also need to cover the open sides with hardware cloth, but I need to leave one side open so I can remove a couple of large sections of hardware cloth so the girls can access the new area. There's a layer of chicken wire in the inner wall if the run, so I can totally finish the extension before I let them in.

How do you secure hardware cloth to the ground? Long yard staples? The mesh is too fine to fit rebar without breaking some squares.

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