Feeding suet in frigid temps


6 Years
May 1, 2016
South Dakota
I have a block of suet in the freezer I've saved for my flock of 7 hens and 1 rooster just for the terrible temps we have coming this week! I just wanted to know the best way to give it to them? Would I just put the block out there in a pan? Thanks! We are going to -40 with windchill by end of the week!
Wind chill doesn't mean anything unless you keep birds outside in full exposure to elements.

A little suet is fine. Black oil sunflower seeds are good too. It's whatever you have on hand when you are supplementing a little fat for easy accessible energy.
I just wanted to know the best way to give it to them? Would I just put the block out there in a pan?

That will work. They may pull it out of the pan and kick it around in the dirt or bedding. That will not bother them, although they may lose track of it instead of eating all of it. But if it bothers you, there are various ways of making it stay put for a while (suet feeders sold for wild birds, a net bag, melt it and let it harden around a stick or into the pan, etc.)

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