First EGGS!!


In the Brooder
May 2, 2016
I was roused out of bed today by "the skinny brown chicken is gone and I can't find her".
She was with the other 3 earlier, and I was told that there was a BIG commotion during a conference call and when it was over she had vanished. My thoughts were between: she probably laid an egg and got confused, or a hawk.

Now about 1.5 weeks ago, one of my four 21 week old pullets laid a shell-less egg which broke. It was my first chicken egg and it made me kind of sad. I had no idea who laid it.

Well, we found Hawking, the Welsummer, where we keep the rubbish bins and old terrariums. She was sitting down in some lead litter, and when she moved, I saw multiple eggs!!!

She got off the makeshift nest on her own, and I collected three small, white pullet eggs!! I was over the moon!
I hadn't heard that they will lay multiple eggs, with the average being every 25 hours for one... And I don't think any are from a different day, as I'm sure the rats, possums, and coons would have eaten them???

Is this okay? They're also not the terracotta color of the Welsummer, and I thought I had read that they develop more slowly than my other chickens (two Easter eggers and a BO). I read that lack of egg color means a poorer quality bird?




I'm super excited!
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First off your welsummer is a brown leghorn. Welsummers will have red ear lobes and leghorns will have white and leghorns tend to mature a little earlier than other breeds. Secondly it is very rare for chickens to lay more than one egg a day so probably they were laid of the course of at least three days. Congrats on your first eggs though!
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Congratulations on your first eggs! I have to tell you that Hawking looks very similar in coloring to my Brown Leghorns...and the white earlobes suggest she's a white egg layer. My guess is that she laid all three of the pullet eggs over a few days. In any case, she's a pretty girl.
Well shoot!! I bought her as a Welsummer. I hate white eggs, they're so boring T_T I wanted a rainbow basket.
That also explains the personality a little bit better. She is a trouble maker.

Are the eggs still okay to eat if they were laid a couple days ago??
Well shoot!! I bought her as a Welsummer. I hate white eggs, they're so boring T_T I wanted a rainbow basket.
That also explains the personality a little bit better. She is a trouble maker.

Are the eggs still okay to eat if they were laid a couple days ago??
They should be fine, as long as they stayed dry and of mild temperature.
When in doubt, break each egg separately into a dish(rather than into pan or recipe) and check it out...looks good and no stinky, it's fine to eat.
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