First time hatching eggs- day 21

Morning of day 23… nothing yet. When I candled yesterday I could see any movement, but these are dark speckled eggs (well summer and maran) so it’s really hard to see in there. The air cell looks really good and I couldn’t see that any had internally pipped (although one did because I heard it peeping on day 19/20)
I have not tried the glass of warm water and seeing if they move that way. I have tried not to open the incubator anymore than I have to…

I had one chick that wasn’t developing past when I locked them down so I took that one out and looked… it had an egg tooth, had an umbilical chord still but not much yolk left. The membrane looked good not detached or dry at all.

My temp didn’t spike, so I’m not really sure. My temp did run on the lower side over night a few times… so maybe they are late (I have my doubts) but I’ll keep being patient…
I meant I COULDNT see movement. Ugh sorry.
Since I hadn’t seen movement last candle and hadn’t seen or heard anything on day 23 I decided to candle again. I didn’t see movement so I started eggtopsies.

Here’s what I found… I’ll post pics, maybe someone can guess what happened…
These chicks were moving when I candled at lockdown. (Day 18) and a few of the eggs were wobbling on day 19. Do they look underdeveloped for that point in the incubation? Lots of yolk left to absorb and lots of blood veins it seems, I have no experience so I don’t really know what I’m looking for/at


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And the chick that pipped. I had a guess what egg the peeping was coming from and I was wrong. This little one had quite a bit of yolk left too and blood veins. Do you think it just broke through the air sac too early? I first heard it on day 19 but didn’t see this egg move ever. The last time I heard it was the evening of day 20 and I thought I may have a chick in the morning. But little fella never made it any further. The membrane didn’t seem dried out but again, I’m so new at this I don’t really know what I’m looking at.


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It looks to me like they died at different stages since some have large yolks visible and others have mostly absorbed their yolks. Have you hatched eggs from the same chickens before or were these new genetics?

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