Giant Coturnix Measurements


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
I weighed all my males to pick out the heavier ones for the breeding birds. So I am down to 4-5 males.

I was just wondering what the weight of you Jumbo and Giant White Coturnix quail are?

My males are still very young, the females just laid their first eggs yesterday and the average weight of my males were 8 ounces.

Anyone have a kitchen scale(with ounces) that they can measure their birds and get an average? I'd love to hear how mine compare.


Do you have Jumbo or true Giant? Who did you get them from? Claude McAllister used to have the biggest and healthiest giant ones, but I don't know who got them when he passed away.

What color are yours? The Texas A&M strain was white, but not as big as Claude's normal-colored giants.

Do you keep them in the dark or not?

A good friend is looking for eggs from true giants, she would strongly prefer Claude's line, but would take any true giants.

Could you email me offline?

Thanks! laurie (Mother Mastiff)
Texas A&M's and jumbo's 14 oz for females a lighter for the males
Claudes and Bear Bayou's Giant Browns 16 to 18 oz
with some hens reaching 20 oz. I think Bear Bayou had a 24 oz hen at one time..

Claude has passed away and I can't find out who inherited his giant quail.

Bear Bayou has retired and has no more birds.

Zak's also is retiring and is out of birds.

Can't find any other sources listed online.

Do you have any? What kind, and do you sell eggs?

Very interested, thanks! Laurie (Mother Mastiff)
I have what I Texas A&M White Giants. Feathersite has a picture of them here:


Mine look like that. Mine are still very young, having just starting laying two days ago. So, they still might have some growing to do. I plan to breed for a larger bird, but I can only do one generation at a time. LOL

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