Grit question with chicks

4H kids and mom

Cooped Up
12 Years
Mar 10, 2007
Southern Wisconsin
Should I have grit available at all times for the chicks, or offer it to them say once or twice a week? It seems that whenever I put grit in the scratching tray for them, the eat it all. They love playing in it, dusting, scratching, and eating it, but I worry that if I put grit in with them everyday that they'll eat nothing but the grit. Do I give it to them in moderation now, and then leave it out for them all the time when they're older?
mom, if your peeps are given thing to eat that require grit to digest, then they will have to have it on a daily basis. Play sand or good clean sand works well also, if clean sand is given, they will pick out the right size pieces they need.

I bought a bag of starter grit made by our local feed store. Its just crushed granite, but the pieces are very tiny (as small, or smaller than the chick feed crumble they are eating now) It just seems that they ignore their food when the grit is available. I give them treats every once in a while, not all the time, but I try to limit it to things that are better for them like hard boiled egg and vedgies and such. Right now I'm giving them the grit on the days I feed them treats, and leaving just their feed on other days. Will this work alright? Or should I just always have a dish of grit for them, even if it seems thats all they eat? <puzzled>
My chicks are doing the same thing! They're eight weeks old now, and these past few days, they are just ravenous for the parakeet grit, eating it faster than their own food!
Is it time to move up to larger grit? Is eating too much grit a problem?
Chicks really don't need grit if they're just getting chick starter. Personally, I wouldn't feed anything but starter to chicks until they're 4 weeks old.

If they're eating lots of grit, it could be you're not feeding them enough chick starter or feeding too many treats.

We used fine grade chicken grit for our chicks and had no problems.

If you put the grit in a separate container away from their food they should concentrate on eating their feed.
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There is no problem in providing grit that is sized for chicks after a few days. Curious chicks, even when tiny, will find all manner of things to ingest, and the grit will help them digest it. Grit may be sprinkled on at first or provided separately.

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