
In the Brooder
Jan 28, 2022
The Netherlands, Europe
Recently, one of my button quail's behavior changed a lot. This had me very confused and I honestly don't know what to do, I need some help.
In the beginning of January I bought two button quails from a local pet store, according to the employee they are both females. One is white and the other one is brown... But I have my doubts if the white one is really a female, the brown one's gender is also still unknown, but I am assuming that she really is a female.

We're currently talking about the white one, since the brown one hasn't shown any male-like behaviors. (Note: Both quails do not lay eggs despite being 9+ weeks.)
Firstly, I want to mention that the white one has behaved like a female previously, but lately she has been screaming (calling), crowing and grunting a lot. She - or he? - had not been doing that before, only some quiet chirping. This has left me sleepless for nights since it is so loud.
Secondly, I noticed that the white one was mounting the brown one. The brown one would also lay on her stomach whenever the white one gets close.
Lastly, I have separated the two just in case. I was actually planning to buy a male in the end of May, but I have changed my mind. I want to expand the group instead by adding another female so the brown one would not get targeted constantly. (Is this a good idea?)

- I want to sex my button quails once again, but I really need some example pictures in order to identify the genders. I am having a lot of trouble finding any images online.
- I also need some advice on how to deal with a situation like this and why this sudden change has occurred.
- Is it a good thing to expand the social circle for them? Or should I just leave them by theirselves?
Sorry I don't know but one thing about quail.A man gave me a huge clutch of eggs I put them in a sportsman incubator.Best I can recall I opened the door on day 19 I think to inspect and OMG looked like a thousand peanut size jokers just blasted out the door.Had the incubator in the house .I spent many hours collecting them jokers under the couch you name it they were there.I loaded them up and carried them back to the man I got them from.cheers
Button Quails are monogamous, being 9 weeks old they would've already bonded as a pair, separating them now will just make ur Roo noisier as well as ur hen, to stop the mating behaviour simulate winter months with light, shorter days and longer nights. Ur female will start laying soon but it's possible to stop it by doing the above ... adding other quail may just cause fights, especially if u have the same thing happen with the new quail (buy females n end up with males)

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