Help me out with a school project?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 11, 2012
I'm doing a project on backyard chickens...if you could answer the following questions that would be great!

If you own chickens in your backyard:

1. Where are you from? (No need to be town-specific, state or province is fine!)

2. Why do you have them? A: Eggs B: For the Kids C: Meat D: All of the above (anything else, let me know!)

3. What breeds to do you own?

1. Waynesville, NC, USA
2. Healthy Eggs, and like that my kids learn responibility by keeping them.
3. Several different breeds - Rhode Island Reds and Americana mixes are most prominent.
I have about 50 straight run chickens in Bigfork, Montana. I have them for eggs and meat and so my great grandchildren can be around chickens when they visit. I have Road Island Reds, Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Cuckoo Marans, Black stars, Salmon Faverolles, and Ameraucanas. Hope that helps.
From: Maine. Reason for chickens:eggs and as pets! Breeds:Red-star,EE, RIR,New Hampshire Red,sebright,buff minorca,black minorca,buff cochin,silver spangled hamburg,silkie cross,austrolorp,silver-laced wyadotte. Good luck with your project!!!
Northern California, in the Bay Area. We keep chickens for eggs, and as pets. We have two Rhode Island Reds, a Buff Orpington and a Barred Plymouth Rock.
Palestine, Texas. I have them for eggs and just love to watch chickens peck. The grand children get to choose a breed each year.
I have oeg bantams and cochin bantams.
My large fowl breeds are Rhode Island reds, Barred Rocks, Black sex links, Black Cochin, Turkens and Easter Eggers and one Sultan. I love an ecclectic flock. My favorite breed is The Missouri Super Egg machine # 365s from Marti poultry. Good luck on your project!
Southern Oregon

Not pets. Eggs, entertainment, waste disposal, meat in pretty much that order.

Barred rocks, easter eggers, silver and gold laced wyandottes, speckeled sussex, sex links, bantam cochins and ee/leghorn mixes.

Let us know how you do you your project!

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