Help with installing a window and vents on my coop!

When you first put the chicks in the coop, did they stay locked up in there for any period at all? I locked up my chicks for a few days (don't remember exactly how long) as they were still little enough that the coop seemed very roomy for them. After I let them out they returned to the coop at night on their own.

If you didn't lock them in at the start (and probably no reason to start doing so now), then you'll need to put them in each night until they understand that that's where they need to go to sleep. If possible would wait until it's just slightly on the dark side of dusk, and then check and see if they've taken themselves inside. If not, herd them in. Repeat until you no longer see chickens sitting around in the run past dusk.
Whoops, no we started with them having the run of the run as well as the coop. Starting tomorrow night I’ll check around dusk to see if they are in... they are smart little things so it probably won’t take them that long to figure things out.

Thank you!

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