Help with naked finch?

Hcammack,thank you...they are Zebra finches...........and yes.they seem to be high maintainence but I love um.........the male is now sitting right next to the babies he is not totally alone...... and Rufus............well. I have both chickens and finch........had a good laugh on what you said though
Zebras aren't usually pickers, but Societys certainly ARE!! I've had one at work who I call Naked Neck because she ALWAYS being picked. Her other buddy, Rumpless-stiltskin always had no tail feathers. Naked Neck's back out in the stockroom until her feathers grow back, then into the cage and out to the stock room when she's naked again...I wish someone would buy her.
Zebras are usually plotting on how to get out of the cage and make it look like it was the Spice finches' idea.

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