
12 Years
Apr 17, 2007
we have 9 hens & 1 Roo- 3 hens are young, 4 "middle aged", & 2 old.So far, none are interested in hatching any of the eggs they lay.Are we doing something wrong, or must we incubate them ourselves-& if so, HOW?any info appreciated!!
Let us know what breeds they are? Some breeds have the broodiness bred out of them, in which case you will have to act as their surrogate!!
I'm not sure WHAT breed they are-
the majority of them are black & white( 7 hens & the rooster) with the older hens being one black, one rust- colored.
I don't think there is anything you can do to make a hen go broody. As someone mentioned already, some breeds have been bred to NOT go broody so that egg production is not interrupted.
If you would like to hatch eggs you can do so in an incubator-either homemade or bought. You can find out how from the link below. Google should also bring up plenty of info on incubating.

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