hen fouling nest


12 Years
Jun 17, 2007
does it matter if a hen fouls the nest for any chicks that hatch i put a sheet underneath the eggs and area where chicks will be as i saw on a post in a forum to stop the spraddle leg thing but from day 1 she has pooped in the nest didnt matter that i made her get up she would only go when sitting again i cant move now anyway its day 20 now i put strips of kitchen towel under her butt then tried to pull it out without getting any on the sheet it worked sometimes and not others so there is some on the sheet will it matter for the any chicks if there is some there
Take everything out but the bedding (straw), the hen and the eggs. Let the chicken be a chicken, she knows what she is doing. If there is to much paap in the nest she while remove it. Remember they were taking care or the eggs long before we started helping them. Many people put to much into raising chickens, there are times when a little help won't hurt, many times helping a chicken hurts them more than helps them.
when do i take everthing out but bedding as i cant touch the eggs or make her move now its day 20
which is why i was putting strips of kitchen towel under her butt to collect as much poop as i could so not to disturb her
is the sheet thats under her eggs ok for the chicks to hatch as a website suggested it to prevent straddle legs but then i started to think its not very natural but too late to move it from under eggs now
Being it is day 20..I would leave it. But...as SOON as they all hatch, take out the sheet...towel...and everything...leave only clean straw for her. She will be alot happier, so will the babies.
ok thanks will do the sheet wont have stopped them developing will it i wish i hadnt have put it there i found this website that suggested it
its now 3 hours until day 21 starts not a noise yet
Oh no, the sheet wont effect the hatchability rate at all. Its just that it is more likely to hold moisture, from the hatch. Now, if they dont hatch right on day 21....dont panic. Just let moma be...she will get em outta there! LOL Charge up the batteries in the camera....we will of course want pics!
thank goodness for that i was beginning to think by placing it there ive ruined chances of hatching how do i remove it straight away as shouldnt they dry under her before i remove it
i will certainly post some pics if i get some hatch
i stroked her tail feathers she moved so have removed the sheet i was really carefull not to turn eggs she was straight back on them but i thought it would be eaier to do it now and not when any hatch as you said it could remove moisture i thought they might stick to it
god!!!!!!!!!! dont i fuss you can tell ive never done it before cant you
it seems if i had have waited a while i would have had chance to remove it went to check on her and she was rolling eggs all over the place she has knocked her water over i removed the wet stuff and put eggs back together she abandoned one pushed it back under her she is now fine again heres me worried about me moving them and nearly day 21 she starts rolling them about

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