Hen making weird noise while trying to lay

Link to Penny
I'm thinking she could well be going broody.
If you see her like that again, you could try reaching under her from the front with one hand.
See is she does a kind of shuffle, drawing your hand in and up, once your hand is fully underneath
This is my personal favorite way of telling if hens are broody, and I have found it very effective.
(the shuffle is to gather up the eggs, that she thinks she has under her)
Probably OK.
Did she know you were watching?
My Buff Brahma is currently doing the same thing..... so loud you think she is in pain, and it's not the " I laid an egg!" bragging ....... I even got up from the from yard just to check which one it was..... I didnt notice another around but she did get out.... and tried returning...... I halfway wanting to soak her in warm water, but I honestly not sure what's the reason for this very loud calling.

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