Hen or roo? Easter egger or Americauna


May 21, 2023
I originally was told that this chicken was an americauna but now from doing research and several people telling me it's an Easter egger, I think they are correct. I cannot tell if this chick is a hen or a roo. It is 6 weeks old but I just started noticing fleshy/ slight pinkish comb, no waddled. I have an array of breeds but my silkie mix and my frizzle are definitely roos, they have been pink since 3 weeks and now bright red with bright red waddle. What do yall think?


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Looks like a little cockerel. Americauna is just another name for an Easter Egger, which is what he is. Easter Eggers are mixed breeds with no standard, so they come in every shape, size, and color imaginable. Now, an Ameraucana is its own breed with a standard. The spelling is a marketing ploy to make people think they're buying an Ameraucana, when they're actually just buying an EE.

Edit for spelling.
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