Hen with tail down, sitting, vet said she's not egg bound

Summer Reed

In the Brooder
Nov 8, 2023
Hi everyone !

I think one of my hens is sick but I can't figure what's wrong with her. She's two and she's a Blue Andalusian. Her tail has been pointing down since Monday morning (two days ago) and she seems to sit more often than usual. She has spasms or contractions like she's trying to lay an egg. She eats but less than she usually does, and her stools look normal (I think). I first decided to give her a warm bath in case she was egg bound but she didn't like it and I noticed she was breathing with her beak wide open. The room was maybe 25°C/77°F and the water was around 30°C/86°F so I cracked a window and she seemed to feel better. I got her off the water after 20 minutes and called the vet who told us to come immediately. He checked her vent (like really far deep) and even did an xray and nothing's going on. She's indeed in laying phase (they can tell because of their bone density ? So the vet told me) but she hasn't laid for a week now I think (I can't be sure, it's just that I found only two eggs every day for the last week instead of three, I guess she's the one not laying). Her last eggs were absolutely normal.
Since she started laying eggs at 6 months old, she layed almost everyday even during the winter. She barely stops (same goes for the two others. It happens from time to time but no more than a few days before they’re back laying).

The vet told me she looks fine, crop full, no fluid seen on the xray, lungs ok, eyes clear, comb ok (to me it looks a little dehydrated but I'm a new chicken owner and I'm not familiar with that) everything seems normal except that she has her tail pointed down and I feel like her appetite has decreased. She weighs 2,5kg/5lbs, which is what’s to be expected for that breed. No nostrils discharge, no labored breathing (except when I gave her the warm bath), no sneezing, wheezing, coughing. The vet gave her an antibiotic shot just to make sure and another shot of minerals and stuff. He explained that he could do an oxytocin shot if she was egg bound but since that’s not the case, he didn’t.

I isolated her for the night in a crate in the garage and she was very calm (she’s more active usually, she likes to run and fly/jump). She never liked to be picked up. I let her free range in the backyard yesterday morning after the night in the garage and the first thing she did was to go straight to the enclosure and try to jump and fly over the fence to go back with the others. She seemed so desperate (she did that for a solid five minutes, going back and forth, trying to find the lowest spot) that I opened the gate and let them 3 be together again. They stayed together all day and they went to sleep at the same time into their coop. I will also mention that my three hens get along very well, so well that I can't tell what's the pecking order... They really seem to be all three at the same level (I don't know if it's possible), and when I give them treats they all run and peck at the very same time. I got them at the same place the same day when they were 3 months old, so they basically grew up together.
Also, we had red mites in June but I got rid of that in a week (we burned the old wooden coop and bought a plastic one, I know, plastic is not good for the environment but now I can just wash it thoroughly with soap and rinse it, let it dry, then reassemble it, and I do it every Sunday. I also put diatomaceous earth on my hens regularly, into the coop, and a dimethicone-something liquid. I have not seen any red mite since and trust me, this stuff haunts me and I check everyday). My hens are fed with Versele Laga Gold 4 Red Mash (we used to buy another brand and switched four months ago because we couldn't find it anymore - I'm from Belgium and I live right at the border with France). I noticed that their eggs are slightly bigger with the new food, but again, she’s apparently not egg bound. We don't give them a lot of food scraps because they're quite picky eaters. They won't eat any of our food except for lettuce, and plain rice or plain spaghettis. They have a water fountain that I clean as often as I can, and I give them once a week crushed oysters shell (with aniseed for some reason). I often give them dried mealworms just because they love that. The only thing I didn't do recently, and I'm just remembering it now, is to deworm them. Could it be the issue here ?

It's cold these days (a lot of rain, strong wind, and the temperature is around 10°C/50°F during the day, a little bit less during the night). We had so much rain and storms for the last few weeks that the grass turned into mud in most of the enclosure but I go every morning and open the gate so they can free range in my backyard and eat all the grass they want (we don’t have anything toxic in the yard, I made sure of that before adopting them).

We also have 4 cats and everyone gets along very well. The cats are actually quite protective with the hens. They won’t let any other cats come too close, and of course they prey on the rats and the birds that steal the food (we still have wild birds coming unfortunately, I’m not pleased because I know they carry a lot of diseases).

I gave my hens mealworms today to see if Ashley would eat and she did, not as much as she used to imo, but at least she’s eating.

I think I told you everything... I’m worried sick :(

(PS : please keep in mind I live in Belgium and sometimes specific products or food are not available here)
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Can you post photos of your hen and her poop?

Having the tail down sounds like she's not feeling well and is often a sign of having reproductive problems.
I'd be inclined to give her 600mg of Calcium Citrate with D3 for 5 days to see if she lays and egg or expels any material.

See that she's eating her normal feed, it looks like it's a loose grain type feed, so watch to see if she's eating all the components and just not picking out favorite pieces that she likes.

Check to make sure her crop is emptying overnight and if you are wanting to know about whether she has worms, take a sample of her poop to your vet, they can run a fecal float and let you know if she needs deworming.

You don't see any mites or lice on the hens at all now correct?
Thanks for answering.
I spent the morning with her today and while I was at it, I entirely cleaned and disinfected the coop (it's an Omlet Eglu Cube), the feeder, the water fountain. I looked everywhere for mites or lice but haven't seen anything. But I found two very green poops inside the coop, one solid and one watery, and a few others in the run (can't tell if solid or watery because of the rain). And lots of feathers (more than usual). I don't know if it's from the same hen though, since I have two Blue Andalusians.

So, from what I've observed this morning : my hen looks a little bit better than the days before, but she still has a droopy tail (but less droopy !) and she often sits for a few seconds before walking again. She eats and drinks normally now (it seems to me that she doesn't pick out her favorite components but is eating everything as is). Usually when I'm about to give them treats (like mealworms), I click my tongue a few times and they come running. I tried this morning and she did run to get her share of worms. She has no trouble getting up and down the Omlet Eglu Cube ladder. If I had to judge only from her behavior, I'd say she's completely normal except for the droopy tail and sitting more often.

Now the physical examination : there's the green poops, but is she the one who does that ? I don't know. I'd rather not isolate her too much since she seems more stressed when I do that (except of course if she has something contagious but the vet told me on Monday that she didn't seem sick). I carefully checked her for mites and lice or eggs but nothing so far. Her vent is less clean than it is normally. Her comb seems a little bit dehydrated but again, I'm not sure what I'm talking about and I saw her drink a few times.
No labored breathing, nothing that could indicate a respiratory disease. Her feet look normal too.
She's as talkative as she always is and she is STRONG. She has always hated being picked up and held and she let me know while I was checking and taking pictures earlier :D
Her earlobes are white and I don't remember them like that (I should compare pictures). No discharge or anything like that. The only thing I've really noticed was two bald spots, one on her belly and one on her crop. The one on the crop is very red and to me, warmer than the rest of her body. I've seen that red bald spot a few months ago, right around the time we bought the new coop, and I thought that maybe it was stress-induced (the red mites infestation, the dimethicone spray and the new coop). It was already slightly red but nothing like it is now. I haven't seen them pecking each other but it's hard to know what goes on in the roost. The twins Andalusians are pretty bonded, but they all get along and spend a lot of time just sitting together under the coop when it rains or at their favorite place when it's sunny (just in front of the gate so they can see inside of our house).

I'd like to tell you about the consistence of the crop, and I did do an external palpation, but I suck at knowing if something feels right or not. That's the reason why I dropped out of medicine school :lol: (true story). My sense of touch is not good at all.
My other Blue Andalusian has a bald spot under her vent (not big, not red), my Sussex looks fine.

Like I said before, the weather has been very ugly since the beginning of October (cold rain almost 24/7, wind, storms) and the run has slowly became muddy. One month ago we put sand all over because it was too slippery (clay soil here...). It was probably not the best idea because now there's no grass anymore and it's even more slippery. I let the hens free range in the backyard when we're home so they can eat all the grass they want.
Anyway, today I put pine shavings absolutely everywhere in the run (it took me hours).

I only got one egg and I know for sure it was layed by Dina, my White Sussex.
The twins are not laying these days.

Anyway, I took a few pictures :


I also took a few videos of her walking and pecking but I don't know how to upload them.

I called the vet and they're not specialized in birds but they will send me the infos of a certified avian vet. They took us as a favor on Monday because we're already clients (we go there with our 4 cats). They do know stuff about chickens but not as much as a specialist.

Should I still deworm and/or give Calcium+D3 ?

Thanks again for taking the time to read and reply !
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I saw her this morning, still has a droopy tail but she was eating and didn’t look listless. She was with my other Blue Andalusian while my white Sussex was in the coop about to lay.
I spent the night browsing the forum and I’m now wondering if maybe my Sussex is bullying her but only inside the coop ? Since I found a lot of blue feathers when I cleaned it yesterday and the twins Andalusians are the ones with bald spots (my Sussex is absolutely thriving) ?
I never ever saw anything happen between them and I watch them very often (I can see them from my kitchen) but that doesn’t mean anything.

I suppose if she eats and drinks and walks and doesn’t show any sign of respiratory disease, she’s mostly fine ?
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If you're noticing quite a few feathers, could she be molting? Look for new pin feathers coming in .
She could be molting, but what about her bald red spot on her crop ? It started a few months ago but I thought it was because of the red mites and everything. I don’t know how long moulting lasts usually.

I don’t think there are new feathers coming in but I’ll look closer today.

She’s getting tired of me. Now when I walk in her direction she runs far away from me. She really dislikes being pickup up and held. I’ll have to ask my husband later to help me :(

Yesterday I came home at night and the three hens were already sleeping. I filled the feeder anyway and I saw a few green poops, exactly the same as the ones in the pictures above. Green with non digested food or fibers but I’ll have to check again because I was using a flashlight. Plus, it was pouring and I was cold so I didn’t take the time to really examinate.

I collected two eggs yesterday night…
One of my girls is doing this too!! Same poops and tail down and sitting a lot. Hasn’t laid in like two weeks. Can’t figure it out! She’s been dewormed and has lost weight. It’s horribly frustrating.
One of my girls is doing this too!! Same poops and tail down and sitting a lot. Hasn’t laid in like two weeks. Can’t figure it out! She’s been dewormed and has lost weight. It’s horribly frustrating.
It is ! Does your hen act normal ? I mean is she eating and drinking as usual ? Mine does… I went to see my girls this afternoon and gave them lukewarm oatmeal, they ate it all, including Ashley (the one with the tail down). I don’t think she’s lost weight but maybe it’s not obvious yet.
Have you seen a vet ?
I don’t know what to do. She hasn’t laid for two weeks either 😞
A little update because it might help someone in the future.
My hen Ashley is sooo much better now ! Her tail is almost as high as before, and she doesn’t sit anymore. She’s almost back to normal ❤️

Here’s a list of what I did but I can’t say if any of those things helped and if it did, I don’t know what exactly made her feel better :
- I have stopped giving them dried mealworms as a treat because it was a new brand and I saw on the box that it was not suitable for poultry (why ?? The other brand was fine and it looks absolutely the same) ;
- I gave them lettuces more often (they absolutely love lettuce) ;
- I gave them crushed oysters shells more often too ;
- I put a small amount of apple cider vinegar in their water ;
- I gave them raw oatmeal in small quantities everyday (they love it) ;
- I spent more time with them.
- I bought this : https://www.francodex.com/en/our-products/plumapick-feather-picking and gave them once (the smell is horrible). They ate it all.

She’s still not laying but at least she’s better now. She runs, she jumps, she plays.
Maybe she was indeed lacking some nutrients (calcium mostly) because of molting. My other Blue Andalusian (Mary-Kate) had a bald spot under her vent but yesterday I noticed a lot of new pin feathers. And also she is now way much darker than her sister now.
I haven’t checked Ashley yet (the bald spot on her crop) but will do tomorrow.

We had a couple of cold but sunny days and maybe it helped as well.

I’d say that I really saw improvements when I started to give my hens oatmeal (it was the first time, I did it because I saw someone saying that it’s full of nutrients). But maybe it’s just a coincidence.

Have a great day/night depending on your time zone (night here) ! ☺️

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