Henpecked lady not laying


Feb 11, 2023
I have a lavendar orpington who will turn one this spring who hasn't laid a single egg in over two months. It is winter and I don't use artificial light but I live in Western Oregon and our temperatures are relatively mild and the days are growing longer now. I expected decreased egg production but is it common for them to stop completely for so long? My other 2 chickens have been laying almost daily. I feed them layer pellets plus corn scratch and mealworms, plus they free range a few hours a day. She has been pretty henpecked to the point where they had pulled most of the feathers off her head/neck and tail but her feathers have since grown back. The henpecking is less since I let them free range again (we had a hawk problem and I had to keep them in for several weeks). I don't see any signs of mites and she seems healthy otherwise, just no eggs. Am I being impatient or should I be concerned about a health problem?
Your title gives us the most important clue. If by "henpecked" you mean she is picked on by the others, she may not be getting enough to eat. Just as a teen girl who diets and loses too much weight stops ovulating and having periods, so it is with hens that are underweight. They stop ovulating.

@nuthatched has the right idea. She needs to eat more, both calories and protein. However, this may stem from behavior issues where this girl is too timid to compete at the feeder. When such a timid bird is bullied, she becomes convinced that she doesn't deserve to eat because she believes what the others are telling her.

To verify this, I have a little experiment I do with a hen I suspect of starvation due to bullying. I hold back all feed for a few hours and then put out the feeders for the whole flock. They will all mob the feeders because they're famished, including the suspect hen.

Watch carefully to see what she does. If she lets herself get shoved aside and away from the feeder without asserting herself, and she leaves the feeder and pretends to find things on the ground to peck at and doesn't return to the feeder until everyone else has left, you probably have a bullying victim. There's help for her. https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/chicken-bully-chicken-victim-a-two-sided-issue.73923/

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