Hovabator 2362N: What do I need to know?


Looking for a broody
11 Years
Aug 18, 2008
Recently decided to stop using broodies and get serious - picked up a Hovabator 2362N (circulated air) on the cheap, with the automatic turner.

Now, I know about 'painting' the bottom with silicone to prevent stains and 'bator breath'...

But what else SHOULD I know before tossing any eggs in? Anyone have any specific tips/tricks for this model?
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I can't find it now, but it's something I read on here - a tube of clear silicone spread over the bottom part of the incubator - cuts down on the staining, makes it easier to clean, and helps the bator from getting too 'funky'.
I hate to bump, but I don't want to make any mistakes with this 'bator.

Anyone have any tips?
I store styrofoam containers open so any gasses can escape. If you do coat with silicone, make sure it degassed really well before use. Set up the bator for at least a week the first time to make sure everything is stable and where you want it.

A trick I use to keep bators clean is to line the hatching tray with paper towels to catch any chick hatch drippings.
If you use that rubbery holey shelf liner on the wire, you won't have much to clean up at all. Just toss that away after the hatch or wash with mild bleach solution and reuse. Trust me, it works great.

Does yours have the clear tray in the bottom for the water? That is cleaned and my bators do not smell at all, even after many uses.
This stuff right?


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