how do I check the eggs

What are you going to check the eggs for? Embryos or age? As long as you collect every day and you don't have a broody hen, there shouldn't be anything developing in the eggs so they will be good to eat. Now if you want to check eggs to see if they are old or dried out, just put a light to the round side of the egg and look for an air cell. The larger the air cell, the drier or older the egg is. For relative air cell size, you can also try the float test, where if the egg floats, the egg is not as fresh as one that sinks.

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You can check for blood spots in the eggs. Some chickens lay eggs with blood spots in them for some reason, although it really shouldn't affect whether you can eat them or not. It's mostly just unsightly. However, you may not want to breed hens who produce eggs with blood spots. It could possibly be genetic.

To check the eggs for blood spots, you'll need an egg candler. I'm sure someone out there knows how to make a great egg candler at home...?
What we always do if eggs have been in the fridge for a while is put them in a bowl of water that is deep enough to cover the eggs completely and if they float they are bad and should be thrown away, if they stay on the bottom and don't float we eat them.
Thanks all
you all answered my question.


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