How do you grill a pizza?

bigmike&nan :


I like this guy's philosophy, check this YouTube video out

Thanks, BM&N for that link. I was not familiar at all with Steven Raichlen. Followed the UTube video on the pizza to his other grilling videos from Maryland Public TV and more, and then to his own website (

What an astounding guy on the grill! I'll be trying out more of his ideas.​
Thanks! I know... i want to try this NOW. I'll make hubby do the cooking it though... (hee hee i'm not going outside and freezing my butt off)
I get my pizza stone really really really hot and then I plop the dough onto it and quickly put the toppings on. It makes for an amazing crust, especially if you put semonlina in your dough - all the little bits get cripsy and crunchy but still chewy just like a gourmet pizza shop!
Yep! It's a white corn flour I believe.. which means you can just use cornmeal and put it in a blender until it's finer and it's the same idea!
I use it in place of 1/5th my flour in my pizza base.
Pizza stones are a lot like cast iron in that sense. I seriously doubt the spray would hurt though, might cause them to get "sticky" (so will olive oil) but it would burn off with later use.
I have one (from pampered chef) and we use it for EVERYTHING in the oven. It lives in the oven. I scrape crumbs off it and occasionally rub it down with hot water, but no soap. To sanitize it we just heat it up. They're not just for pizza lol, we cook cookies, biscuits, chicken strips, buffalo wings, fish sticks, basically anything you could bake on a flat pan. The grease from the meats is what has "seasoned" it.
Roll out 8 inch pizza rounds and place on a oiled piecce of aluminum foil. Set aside.

Precook any ingredients you want to use such as onion, sausage, peppers, etc. Have your cheeses ready to go.

Place the pizza on the foil directly over medium high heat on the grill. Cook for 2-3 minutes and remove the foil...........Flip over and cook the other side for about 3 minutes. Add the toppings and cheeses and lower the lid and heat through for about 3-5 minutes more until bubbly and done.
I usually do 4 at a time on the grill. I can barely keep up with demand if we are having a wing ding of a party. But if I have a glass of merlot I can persevere.

Suggested toppings:
White sauce with white cheese like ricotta, parmesan, goat cheese, etc........I call this pizza bianca (my fav)
Sausage, meats, ham, prosciutto
Grilled or sauteed zucchini, eggplant, onions, garlic, mushrooms of all sorts. Marinated dried tomatoes are good too.
You can use tomato sauce/pizza sauce if you want. I prefer chopped tomatoes, and fresh basil, and mozzarella.
Pizza stones are a lot like cast iron in that sense. I seriously doubt the spray would hurt though, might cause them to get "sticky" (so will olive oil) but it would burn off with later use.
I have one (from pampered chef) and we use it for EVERYTHING in the oven. It lives in the oven. I scrape crumbs off it and occasionally rub it down with hot water, but no soap. To sanitize it we just heat it up. They're not just for pizza lol, we cook cookies, biscuits, chicken strips, buffalo wings, fish sticks, basically anything you could bake on a flat pan. The grease from the meats is what has "seasoned" it.

Me too I cook everything on mine cookies and pizza the most though....I have two. Yes I think that is what has happened to one of them with non stick spray...I was given that one. Non stick spray even does that to my glass dishes. The other one I bought and it is in nice shape and been several years. Got to take care of it though. Pampered Chef items are spendy but worth it.

Do you have a scraper? I posted the link on here for them....they work wonders for cleaning and I use it on all my pots and pans when needed. I really like them too.

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