How does one make a chocolate bird?

The first hatch is all black with feathered feet. Next month the first roo’s will be bred back to Chocolste hens.
I actually found chocolate cochin bantam biddies a few months ago- And I'll be able to get more eventually. (Probably will be soon.)
I only got 4 originally, 3 are still will me, almost 3 months old. (Hatched February 5th.)
1 for sure cockerel, 1 for sure pullet, 1 im not sure about yet. (Leaning cockerel though.)
So my odds aren't right, should've been the other way around lol.
I plan on putting them in with blue and blacks later this year- For chocolate mottled however, that might have to wait until next year, or whenever I get my hands on mottled cochins.
Took these a week ago, the pullet is the big one in the back- Cockerel is obvious.Then the little one who can't identify themselves yet, this week I've noticed it's comb is a bit more red now.

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