How easy is it to vacuum seal quail chicks in egg?


Dec 22, 2022
How likely is it that I stupidly vacuum sealed my quail eggs?

When researching quail egg incubation before starting I noticed a lot of people left the turner in. I thought it sounded like a good idea because it would stop the hatched chicks from rolling the unmatched eggs all over.

I left it in this time an woke up to three hatched quail, one was wedged between the dome and the egg turner and pushed itself to a point it wasn't going to become unstuck on its own.

My brain wasn't on full functioning mode yet and I quickly cracked the incubator and freed the little guy. It took maybe 4 seconds.

I stupidly didn't even look for any pips on other eggs. I did a quick scan after realizing what I had done and noticed there was one pipped. It looks like only the one and it's a day early.

I'm so annoyed with myself. I'd already given myself a pep talk and told myself that I wouldn't assist any quail that couldn't hatch on their own. I hadn't even factored in them possible being stuck by the incubator.

For anyone curious, I use the nurture right 360 and will take the turner out next time.

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