How to Create Rose Comb RIR


9 Years
Jul 15, 2014
Nova Scotia
I’ve been wanting some rosecomb RIR bantams for quite some time, but such birds do not exist in in my part of Canada. I’ve got a spectacular line of sc RIR, and I’m thinking of what breed would y‘all cross them to, to get the rose comb? I show my line of bantam blacks and silver laced Wyandotte’s, and Hamburg’s, so I have the rose combs. What would y’all do?
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I would probably use the one that is closest in body type, and keep crossing offspring back to the Rhode Island Red.

Rose comb is caused by a dominant gene, so it should work to just cross to RIR, select a chick with rose comb, cross back to RIR, select a chick with rose comb, cross back to RIR again, and so forth until you have the right result.

The thing I am not sure about: whether those rose combs will be the correct shape. I know there are genes that affect the shape & size of a rose comb, but I have no idea whether your single comb RIRs will happen to have the right ones or not.

If you need to keep crossing back to the non-RIR to get the right shape in the comb, it will be a much longer project.
I would probably use the one that is closest in body type, and keep crossing offspring back to the Rhode Island Red.

Rose comb is caused by a dominant gene, so it should work to just cross to RIR, select a chick with rose comb, cross back to RIR, select a chick with rose comb, cross back to RIR again, and so forth until you have the right result.

The thing I am not sure about: whether those rose combs will be the correct shape. I know there are genes that affect the shape & size of a rose comb, but I have no idea whether your single comb RIRs will happen to have the right ones or not.

If you need to keep crossing back to the non-RIR to get the right shape in the comb, it will be a much longer project.
Thanks for your insight! That’s exactly what I was thinking of doing, but you’re right in the fact that the comb shape will be the most difficult part.

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