I did a thing..........

In her old home she was called "Pinky". I've just decided to rename her Bonnie, and she's got her first ever vet appointment tomorrow- time to get her health checked out and get her vaccinated!
I'll update how that goes! I'm mainly concerned about her teeth, and getting it double checked that its a doe. I'm also interested to ask the vet for advice in getting her to eat better- she's the pickiest rabbit I've ever met.
We'll see what they think!
She's settled in amazingly so far. She sprints and binkies (jumps in the air with these cute happy flicks of excitement), and she let me stroke her gently twice this morning which is a big step, when she first came to me she would lunge if you reach towards her.
Just curious. What do you vaccinate a rabbit for?
mainly RVHD and RVHD2, those are my main concerns. I think those are the technical names.
I lost my pet rabbits a few years ago to one of those strands and it was pretty awful and sudden.
Bonnie will be getting vaccinated against those and whatever else they usually do- its a complete package so she'll be fully caught up on everything. Costs about £60 to do, but this also includes a full health check which is important for her to have after being on a bad diet etc.
Okay! Bonnie had her first ever vet trip. It all went well. She was scared as expected, but didnt manage to bite the vet successfully and did not even try to bite me. I think she's started to bond already, as of today she has started allowing me to stroke her, head and back, without lunging or showing discomfort.
Anyways, fully vaccinated! Yippee

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