I know you can make this candler


12 Years
May 29, 2007
Chicken Country, U S A
Was just practicing on some store eggs, and discovered if you take a empty paper towel roll and tape it to the end of a good flashlight, if you hod an egg up to the open end of the roll, the egg practicly glows. you might need to cut the end lengthwise to fit over the flashlight, and the other end can be trimmed to fit the eggs so no light shows thru.
me too mate...i just found ur post...hope it works! Im getting fertile eggs sometime in the next week or so and I will try out your idea!
cool it works great. Its like the egg is lit from the inside, especially if you trim that end to fit the eggs. You'll see and you'll love it. Make sure you have good batteries. Im gonna candle the eggs from the incubator in about a week, so I'll (hopefully) know if it works on a full/fertile egg!
I tried this and saw thru the white eggs but nothing at all with the green eggs. My broody hen is sitting on 11 all green eggs. I'm wondering which ones are good and which ones are not. Has anyone had good luck with candling green eggs this way?
I read somewhere that green/blue eggs are hard to incubate. Is this true? I have not been able to see anything but a dark patch inside my Auracana eggs. I used a homemade box candler at first, but the tube and flashlight idea worked even better! As a matter of fact, I used an empty toilet paper roll. I held the flashlight in my lap against the floor, set the paper roll on top and while blocking light by encircling my hands around it, set our little eggs on top. They sure do glow! If I lean everything to the side, the embryo floats over against the side of the shell and I can see them moving all around. It is the coolest thing! Jill and I are very excited!

Since I don't want to bother the chicks too much, I'll try to wait until day 14 to candle again. Then maybe I'll toss eggs with no evidence of development.

Thanks for the great idea - it's so simple and fun! Ann and Jill
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awesome! So Napalongtails is sending me the silkie eggs on monday--> will probably arrive tues/wed. I am getting a mix I think of white, black and cuckoo silkie eggs. I will try the candling techniques listed above and see how I do. The incubator looks great at 99-101F and 47-55%humidity. The thermostat seems to be working well so cross ur fingers for me!

I"m not incubating the green eggs-my broody hen (who lays brown eggs) is. She's sitting on at least 11 egggs-all at differnet stages of developement. I blocked her corner off from the 2 other hens, but they keep breaking in and laying there too and sometimes sitting with her. I tried to candle a few of the green eggs that are under her, but they didn't glow or anything like our white ones from our duck.
Can it work with the green eggs?

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